
Essential Information


The St John’s Church Council (PCC) is committed (with a conviction flowing out of our faith-commitment to Jesus who had compassion and concern for the very least and the most vulnerable) to safeguarding children & vulnerable adults to the highest standards.

  • We have adopted and regularly review our safeguarding policy

  • We address safegurading as a standing agenda item at every one of our committee meetings

  • We routinely liaise with the Church of England’s diocesan safeguarding team for the latest in best-practice

All clergy and the Parish Safeguarding officer are required to refresh their leadership safeguarding training every three years and all those in leadership roles with Children and Vulnerable adults are safely recruited with an enhanced DBS check. For those serving on teams with children or vulnerable adults, we have a policy of recruitment which can be found in our Safeguarding Policy linked below.

Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Lucy Ramsay who may be contacted, by email.