Kids & Youth

Following Jesus starts….now!

Kids & youth are super important to us.

Kids & Youth are central to our life as a church and we believe they should have an engaging, inspiring, and meaningful environment to discover and know for themselves what it means to follow Jesus.

That commits us to providing a range of children groups at our 11AM service, but it means much more besides!


On Sunday morning at 11AM, our kids groups currently run for pre-schoolers, years 1-5 and years 6-8. All of these groups run in the suite of function rooms at the Park Inn Hotel, right next to us at St John’s with our Children & Youth Leader, Becky Armstrong and a dedicated group of safely recruited volunteer leaders.

On a typical Sunday, we begin together in the church for all-age worship and prayer. After that, the kids and youth head out to their groups for sessions that aim to encourage, inspire and equip them for faith that follows Jesus in and through all the twists and turns of life in God’s world today.

We want to encourage them in prayer, worship and their understanding of the bible, so that they ‘grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.’ (2 Peter 3:18) And we want them to encourage us too, so we will often ask them to re-join the church service before we finish so that they can share what they have discovered.

We have a vision to unite and inspire the next generation with a passion for Jesus!

Secondary age youth gather at churches with 100+ young people and enjoy a variety of activities such as inflatables, games, food, mocktails and much more. At the heart of the evening is a desire to know God better through engaging talks and worship.


Through the week, all though the year, we have different activities that are publicised via our email distribution. These include youth events, days out together and special holiday conferences and camps designed for children and young people to help them in their discipleship.

For more info about up and coming events or to find out more, get in touch with our Children & Youth Team Leader, Becky Armstrong